No Ace Left Up Joey’s Sleeve

The ECWA Heavyweight Champion meets his match on April 3.

The Wrestling Estate recently posted a roundtable where staff members shared their top five predictions for 2021. Just to liven it up, I went with some outside-the-box choices, all of which were “highly unlikely” as Gorilla Monsoon would say. But here’s a prediction for 2021 that Paul Heyman would call a spoiler:

Joey Ace loses the ECWA Heavyweight Championship.

Ever since it’s been announced that “The Champagne Papi” will defend against A Very Good Professional Wrestler at ECWA’s next event on April 3, I’ve had this feeling that the champ’s days are numbered. Call it intuition or maybe wishful thinking, but I just don’t see any other outcome for ECWA’s Night of Unusual Matches. Thankfully, Parx Casino has reopened because I’d lay some big money down on a title change.

Of course, I’d never disparage Ace’s ability in the ring. He’s proven time and time again how resilient he is. His cardio is unmatched, he can withstand tremendous punishment and he’s downright dangerous when desperation seeps in. He can stretch you or take flight or knock you out with that picture-perfect dropkick.

But he’s also a dick. He’s blown off our scheduled interview, which I’m sure he’s done to countless others. I get that he’s full of himself and doesn’t feel the need to talk to us peons, but he doesn’t treat his supposed friends any better. After AJ Pan brought him into ECWA as a member of the PCA, Ace returned the favor by kicking his manager to the curb. His other PCA brethren haven’t been spared; after an exhilarating back-and-forth battle between Ace and Mike Law, the champion appeared to bury the hatchet and give Law his props for a great challenge, only to kick Law below the belt and put the boots to him.

And then there’s the PretzelMania incident. One naïve little girl in the front row made a beautifully crafted sign for Ace. Literally his only supporter in the building, her eyes lit up as he approached her. He took the sign, smiled and then smashed it. The girl gasped, tears falling down her cheek. Her friends and family were in shock, heartbroken at the disgusting display. Her father stood up, confronting the champion for his heinous act. But Ace didn’t care, hell, he relished it.

So yeah, I’m putting my journalistic integrity aside for one night and rooting for A Very Good Professional Wrestler. He’s a safe bet, too, considering that he defeated ECWA Legacy Champion Eric Martin, Archadia and KTB all in one night to win the 2020 Super 8 Tournament. He’s still hungry, eager to redefine himself yet again. With three months to train and prepare for the biggest opportunity of his career, I have no doubt that A Very Good Professional Wrestler will become great on April 3.

Unfortunately for Ace, he has nothing left up his sleeve.

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