Scott Steiner’s Most Outrageous Quotes

Big Poppa Pump roasted the world during the Impact Wrestling teleconference.

In a sea of political correctness, Scott Steiner remains an old shark, not waiting for the scent of blood, but rather ripping at the closest flesh just for the taste.

The former world champion has returned to Impact Wrestling, teaming with fellow loudmouth Eli Drake to challenge LAX for the Tag Team Championship at Redemption this Sunday. In their infinite wisdom, Impact management realized the best way to attract publicity for the pay-per-view was to give the unpredictable legend an hour with the media during this week’s teleconference.

Of course, the Big Bad Booty Daddy did not disappoint. Below are the most profane, absurd and hilarious quotes from Steiner’s teleconference.

Fat Asses

“I’ve wrestled a lot of fat asses. You’d be surprised how tough some of these guys are. You can’t push a fat guy away from the TV with his Banquet dinner. It’s hard. These fat asses are used to physical and mental abuse cause they’re fat. As crazy as it sounds, most fat guys don’t like to be called fat asses. But there ain’t no fat ass that can hang with the Genetic Freak.”

Petey Williams

“Petey would have a chance if he tried to look like me again. That’s when he had the most success and when people paid attention to him. As a matter of fact, that’s when his wife loved him the most. She thought he was actually me.”

His Shit List

“That’s well documented. Pick a name. People that I don’t like know I don’t like them. I don’t care what your stature is in the wrestling community, if you’re a piece of shit, you’re a piece of shit. The truth is the people I’ve named, the truth has come out about them, you know?”


“Before I was in professional wrestling, I was in amateur wrestling. The first year I got to the University of Michigan, I trained with the first American to be Olympic champion at Greco-Roman. I trained with him for five years. That really made me afraid of no one. I’ve never really taken a day off of training. I wish I could stretch more, but my freaks keep me limber. They don’t call me the Big Bad Booty Daddy for nothing.”


“You’ve been a star in so many companies for so many years…”

“That’s why I’m world famous, bitch!”

Cutting Promos

“I actually verbally beat him up so I can physically beat him up. They get pissed off to the point that they actually want to fight me. You’ll think your man enough to go one on one with the Genetic Freak. Then of course, I take his girlfriend back to the hotel room and she’ll never be the same. Once you scream out Big Bad Booty Daddy, that’s a life changing moment for all females I’ve been in contact with.”


“Konnan is going to be doing what he always did when we were in the NWO: carrying my bags and shining my belt. Maybe my shoes, too. Actually, he might come and cut my grass. I’ll have all three of them actually. That’s why I don’t understand why Trump wants to kick out all the Mexicans. Who’s going to cut all the grass? Seriously, that’s a legitimate question.”

Second stint in Impact Wrestling

“Dumbass Dixie Carter brought in racist Hulk Hogan and all those other guys, that’s what killed it and ran it into the ground. They put a lawsuit on me because the stuff I was saying on Twitter about Hogan, which was all true. That piece of shit tried to get me arrested saying I assaulted his wife in the airport. Thank God they had cameras there.”

Impact Wrestling Hall of Fame

“I’m already in two hall of fames. I’m in the hall of fame in Michigan and the Dan Gable Hall of Fame, which is one of the highest honors you can have when you’re associated with Dan Gable. It’s a museum where you can actually go visit. It’s actually a concrete building with bricks and slabs of cement. You can actually go into fucking town and visit the hall of fame, not this bullshit WWE has where it’s a place that doesn’t exist. They have all these busts of people, but what the fuck, you can’t put them anywhere. After the ceremony, they go back to the warehouse. Except Macho Man’s goes back to Stephanie McMahon’s bedroom and Ric Flair’s goes back to Triple H’s.”

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