Unlocking Peak Physicality: How CrossFit Stands to Benefit Wrestlers

CrossFit requires strength, stamina, power, flexibility, and so many other things,

CrossFit requires strength, stamina, power, flexibility, and so many other things, according to Steve Kamb of Nerd Fitness. These characteristics are all equally required in the realm of wrestling, so it makes sense to mesh them together. In fact, CrossFit is the perfect complementary exercise to go with wrestling and there’s plenty of evidence to back up this fact.

Established Wrestlers Do CrossFit

Wrestling fans out there know that when people say “CrossFit Jesus,” they’re referring to WWE Superstar Seth Rollins. Rollins is a very vocal advocate of CrossFit, which has helped him tune his body into a curb-stomping powerhouse. Joining Rollins are a lot of other established wrestlers like Bayley, Charlotte Flair, Sasha Banks, John Cena, and even Sadie Gibbs of AEW. As all of these people have highly successful wrestling careers, you can infer that there must be something to CrossFit that enables them to perform the way they do.

It Doesn’t Require “Heavy” Equipment

CrossFit brings together an array of equipment-free exercise moves like burpees, push-ups, overhead squats. These moves help improve strength, posture, and form—all of which are critical for wrestlers. Just because there are several equipment-free moves doesn’t mean that it’s completely devoid of helpful apparatus to further tone your body. CrossFit cuts away from heavy equipment and focuses on light furnishings like kettlebells, a box, medicine balls, and the like.

CrossFit Impacts Several Areas at Once

What makes CrossFit an incredible match for wrestling is that it impacts several areas at once instead of targeting them individually. For example, burpees work your back, arms, legs, core, and glutes all at once. Not only does it push your muscles, but it also trains your endurance and stamina. If you’re planning on taking body slams in the ring and go on as if nothing happened, you’ll need a body that can perform when it counts. CrossFit combines several exercises that give you an all-body workout at a fraction of the time. It also helps that the many jumps and forms that CrossFit puts you in are similar to moves that you’d perform in a ring.

As a wrestler, you are very much aware that you need to be at the peak of your physical fitness to be at the top of your game. So if you’re not into CrossFit yet, take some time to study up the many perks and success stories that have stemmed from it. That way, you can make a fully informed decision regarding your exercise regimen and unlock the physical state to make your wrestling dreams come true.

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