The Worst Wrestling Names Of All Time

Surprisingly, NXT doesn’t comprise the entire list.

In this edition of The Wrestling Estate roundtable, we share our top five picks for worst wrestling names.

Steven Jackson’s Worst Wrestling Names


There have been lots of inappropriate names throughout wrestling history. But naming a gimmick after a form of death, which has plagued the industry, was really not the best move. Even more stupid is this name came from a video game, then became a gimmick in TNA. Terrible.

No Way

Impact Wrestling at its creative best once again! It may have only lasted a few months, but No Way has to be the dumbest example of a wrestler avoiding using their old WWE name, but can’t think of a better name for their current run.


When you think of the name EVIL, even outside of wrestling, you immediately think of devilish, heartless villains who’ll stop at nothing to get what they want. But that hasn’t happened in NJPW.

Marcus Cor Von

Monty Brown should have come into WWE as Monty Brown. The name Marcus Cor Von was another attempt at WWE putting its own stamp onto a wrestler, when everyone already knew who it is. It didn’t roll off the tongue easily on commentary and plain sucked.

All the ECW Originals who had to have their names changed at TNA Hardcore Justice 2010

This is a group of individuals who wrestling fans around the world have known by particular names for over a decade, but had to change them overnight because a company didn’t have the legal rights to use them on air. It led to possibly the dumbest collection of wrestling names ever created. Gems like stable BW2.0 with the Blue Tilly, Tony Luke of the F.B.I. and we can’t forget Kahoneys!!!

Juan Bautista’s Worst Wrestling Names


How did this get this far? A Word War II Nazi u boat captain. He will never be able to go on a European tour. It’s bad enough that he will go to London, but what about Berlin?

Shorty G

We know Chad Gable is not the biggest guy on the roster, but highlighting that was absolutely ridiculous.

The Viking Experience

Since War Machine was off the table it seemed like they would be known as the Viking Raiders under the WWE umbrella, but no one was anticipating this change. The only thing that was positive is that there were no Viking skits.


Get it? It’s killer spelled backwards!


During that glorious Retribution run, this took the cake. No one was ever going to take this seriously.

Chad Gelfand’s Worst Wrestling Names

Lucky Cannon

This will not be the last time an FCW name appears on this list. Lucky Cannon sounds more like the name of a golfer in Happy Gilmore than a future world champion in wrestling.

The Yeti

The Yeh-Tay, as Tony Schiavone said, is terrible purely for him being called that when he was clearly dressed as a mummy. Should have been called “The Mum-May.”

Bastion Booger

It’s probably the point of the name, but “Bastion Booger” is just a nasty-sounding name. At least it did seem fitting for the character’s look.

Briley Pierce

Who would have thought that Dolph Ziggler wouldn’t be the Nemeth brother with the worst name in WWE? Briley Pierce is up there with some of the worst of generic names out of FCW in the early 2010s.


An unnecessary reboot for Emma’s character, with a lazy name change and endless vignettes that felt like a troll by the end of them.

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