‘Rumble Roses’ Inspires ‘Violent Sirens’ Game

An all-female wrestling video game? Hell yeah!

There’s been a lot of buzz over WWE 2K22, but while we sweat over how GM Mode gets butchered, let’s not sleep on another exciting wrestling video game on the horizon: Violent Sirens.

Motivated by the classic 2004 women’s fighting game Rumble Roses, Alex Lynch is working on a new women’s wrasslin’ game. Relying upon Unreal Engine 4, the indie developer is looking to revitalize the genre and rejuvenate us players. Lynch considers Violent Sirens “an action RPG cosplaying as a wrestling game.”

In this exclusive interview with The Wrestling Estate, Lynch shares all the details on his upcoming masterpiece.

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Is Violent Sirens the first video game you’ve developed?

Alex Lynch: “Yes, and sometimes I regret it in the sense that the scope is so big and I’m learning every day. It’s a really big undertaking, but it’s also incredibly fun and fulfilling to pick up so many skills. The day I decided to make a game, I had no idea about how to code the character to jump and now I can do slightly complex systems across multiple blueprints. The idea of how to code certain systems also comes faster than before. It’s great, but a part of me wishes I started simple, like a WrestleMania Arcade Game clone.”

Why did you decide on an all-female game?

Alex Lynch: “It’s hard to pinpoint the exact reason, but I just felt like it was the right time. Over the last few years, the majority of the women on WWE programming have been more interesting than the men, especially in the non-main event tier. The designs for the women’s attires are getting more spectacular by the day, as well. Then, you also have a huge influx of women’s wrestling on the independent scene finally getting their spotlight. WOW, EVE, Stardom, etc. are all growing by the day with incredible up-and-coming wrestlers, many of whom will eventually make it to WWE.

Rumble Roses was an iconic game. It was an influential, risky and passionate title with solid gameplay and animation to hold it up. Unfortunately, it’s quite dated, especially with the focus on sex appeal. I wanted to do something on the opposite end of the spectrum and showcase the badass side of women’s wrestling with weapons and more. Of course, there will still be a little sexiness, if it fits the character.”

What is your favorite wrestling game of all time?

Alex Lynch: “Probably WWE SmackDown Shut Your Mouth. I know a lot of people tend to say No Mercy, but I find the PS2 style of gameplay just much more gratifying. Not to mention it felt extremely innovative, with the backstage free roam and awesome graphics that still look good today. The PS2 games were incredibly formative experiences in my youth, but my second favorite would have to be WCW/NWO Revenge. The soundtrack just literally never gets old.”

Is this on console, only on a PC or both?

Alex Lynch: “It will probably launch on PC first, and once everything is smooth with that release (patches, etc.), I’ll look into publishing on console as I never have before, nor am I familiar with the process. I dream to have it available on Xbox Game Pass, though. I kind of want it on any platform Unreal can export to.”

What is the estimated release date or at least when you hope to release it by?

Alex Lynch: “I really hope to have it done mid-2023, but definitely by the end of 2023. I have other game ideas in mind, but I’m not ditching this one yet for them.”

What is the estimated roster size?

Alex Lynch: “Right now I’m aiming for about 20-30, with the bulk majority being original characters for the game’s story mode. I definitely hope to sign some real talent as well, but that’s not the focus of the game.”

What tips do you have for aspiring developers?

Alex Lynch: “Literally, just do it. Ten years ago that would’ve been a stupid thing to say if you’re one singular person, but now you have a multitude of engines available for free, all with their own ways of accepting newcomers. You have access to Blender, the best free modeling and animation tool there is. You have access to so many free tools out there, you can literally create an entire small game for free. YouTube has everything you need to learn and it’s where I got started.”

What’s one word to describe Violent Sirens?

Alex Lynch: “This is a tough one, but perhaps I would hope the word that can be used when it’s all said and done is ‘empowering.’ Women’s wrestling even feels like an afterthought in WWE 2K, and I just want this game to do it justice.”

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