ACTION Wrestling Lights Up Georgia Sky

Alex Zayne dazzled the huge crowd in Tyrone.

ACTION Wrestling partnered with the City of Tyrone, Georgia to present a free, outdoor event in conjunction with the annual Founder’s Day Fest. The weather was perfect for this show and since it started at 8 p.m., the sun was a non issue.

AC Mack, Cabana Man Dan, and Rico Gonzalez defeated Adam Priest, Jay Lucan, and Shoota Gabe

When you have casual fans in the crowd, what’s a better way to draw them in than a fast paced, action filled (no pun intended) six-man tag match?

I had never seen Rico Gonzalez, Jay Lucan or Shoota Gabe in action before, but all three of them thoroughly impressed me. I have to assume that at least one of them came from ACTION’s signature feeder wrestling school WWA4. The faces (Mack and company) had the advantage throughout, except for a few spots here and there. Mack was able to pin Priest after Shoota Gabe accidentally nailed him with a kick to the face.

Noah Hossman defeated Vinny Pacifico

Noah Hossman is great. His name alone makes his character really funny, which is just him being a hoss. Although Vinny Pacifico was able to get a few maneuvers in, Hossman mostly controlled the match. The crowd absolutely despised Hossman, especially the kiddos. Hossman picked up the win with a beautiful gutwrench powerbomb.

Suge D defeated Ashton Starr

Two of ACTION’s top stars clashed here and it made for a fun, entertaining match. Suge heeled himself up to the crowd big time, especially to the kiddos (again). Starr was the opposite and had a ton of fan support, which is odd given he’s a heel almost anywhere else. I like the differentiation, though. Suge picked up a win after pinning Starr with his feet on the ropes. The kids actually followed Suge when he exited the ring, trailing him all the way out to the crowd.

Scramble Match: Kavron Kanyon vs. King Garuda vs. Takuri vs. Carson Dilbeck vs. Zamir Zuriel vs. Jose Manuel vs. Blak Jak Mak vs. Terri Yaki

It was hard to take notes here, as I only knew of three people in this match. It was extremely fast, sometimes a little too fast, but overall was a fine bout. Kavron Kanyon picked up the win after pinning Jose Manuel.

Suplex Science (Alex Kane & Damyan Tangra) vs. ACTION Wrestling Tag Team Champions The Skulk (Adrian Alanis & Liam Grey)

This was my favorite match of the night. The Skulk are fantastic heels and really know how to draw heat on themselves. The constant talking and taunting is so fun and adds a ton to the action. Suplex Science, albeit a new team, is fun, as well. The match was one of the longer ones on the card, ending up in a double countout. The finish protected both the champions and Suplex Science and will most likely lead to a rematch.

Jimmy Wang Yang and Jazzy Yang vs. Air BNB (Bobby Flaco & Brogan Finlay)

After the Skulk’s match, they waited for AirBNB so they could accompany them to the ring. This was another fun match with Jimmy Wang Yang being extremely over with the crowd. I’ve never seen his daughter Jazzy wrestle before, but she’s quite good for being so young (from what I gather, she’s only 18). The Yang family won the match, despite interference from The Skulk.

“The CEO” Matt Griffin vs. Angelus Layne

I don’t believe this match ever became official, but Griffin and Layne had a brawl around the ring for a few minutes. Griffin basically brought Lane back to ACTION just to beat her up. The Good Hand (Suge D & Kevin Ryan) eventually attacked Griffin, but Ashton Starr would came down to even the odds.

Alex Zayne vs. Kevin Ryan

A good chunk of the crowd left before this match because it was getting late, but boy, did they miss out.

As expected, Zayne got a thunderous ovation. The match had some crazy back and forth with a few insane spots. At one point, Ryan put Zayne’s head against a steel chair that was wedged between the ropes and charged at him, but Zayne ducked and Ryan probably should have shattered his knee from how fast he was running. Zayne’s big moves are just so fascinating to watch in person – it’s a shame WWE couldn’t find anything to do with him.

Overall Thoughts:

This was a fantastic ACTION Wrestling show, especially for being a free event. Despite a few notable names missing from the usual lineup, I enjoyed the Alex Zayne appearance and the addition of multiple new talents that could end up being big for the promotion. This show was filmed for IWTV, so it should be up on the streaming service within the next few weeks.

ACTION’s next show is on October 15 and will take place at East Coweta High School in Sharpsburg, GA. Tickets are available now at

You can follow ACTION Wrestling on social media here:


Writer’s Note: It is with great remorse that I announce this will be my final independent wrestling recap for The Wrestling Estate. Although I didn’t get to do much in the short time I’ve worked here, I’m endlessly grateful for the opportunity I was afforded and encourage all of you to seek out Georgia Independent Wrestling.

Thanks to all, and if you’d like to keep up with me and my other work ventures, you can follow me on Twitter here.

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