Matt Vertigo Retains Territory Championship

UWA Elite hosted his first title defense.

Matt Vertigo returned to his home promotion of UWA Elite on Saturday with even more drip: The Territory Championship.

After making history at the 25th annual ECWA Super 8, the Long Island native made his first defense at Dangerous Uprisings outside the South River VFW in South River, NJ. A purple hue fell over the night sky as roughly 100 fans bobbed to “Cut It” by O.T. Genasis. Decked out in his trademark jacket and gold chain, the champion strode around with that “New York Drip.”

“It’s an attitude,” Matt Vertigo told The Wrestling Estate. “I’m trying to become the drip collector and collect all the gold, starting with the Territory Championship. If you’re not from New York, some of these things you’re just not going to understand. New Yorkers have a certain vibe. It’s personal.”

His first title defense was also personal. His opponent was “The Diligent One” Corey Dillinger, someone Vertigo considers a good friend. They’ve trained and traveled together throughout the Northeast. They also share a mutual respect that’s rare in pro wrestling.

“Matt Vertigo is a hard worker – he grinds and makes things work when other people couldn’t,” Dillinger said. “But me being the first one in line is great for me and potentially bad for him. I’ve been overlooked by a lot of promotions for the last four years. This match is just as important for me as it is for him. This match is to show I’m the next best kept secret that should be known and the next superstar to look out for.”

That kinship was noticeable early in the match as they traded holds, feeling each other out. But then the stocky Dillinger overpowered Vertigo, lighting a fire under the champion. Next time they collided, Vertigo smacked the challenger around.

The fight was on.

Matt Vertigo pummeled Dillinger with jabs, kicks, chops and uppercuts. Dillinger responded with forearms and a mighty blow that forced Vertigo to collapse into the ropes. It looked like his reign would be short-lived, but he kicked out before Ref Ryan slapped the mat three times. Absorbing all of Vertigo’s best shots and firing back, Dillinger had momentum on his side. But Vertigo silenced those “Corey” chants with a well-timed DDT.

Kids in the crowd tried to get under Vertigo’s skin by chanting “Kofi Kingston” and “Trouble in Paradise.” Although Vertigo would surely love to have the longevity and success of Kingston, they don’t have many similarities. Vertigo has at least five inches on the former WWE Champion, and isn’t nearly as jovial. Especially when his precious gold is on the line.

Toward the end of the match, Dillinger attempted a full nelson, but Vertigo broke free and ran toward the Ref Ryan in the corner. Dillinger followed suit and with Ref Ryan cowering for safety, Vertigo low blowed his supposed friend. Then, he hoisted his massive challenger high above the crowd and delivered a devastating spinebuster. Most wrestlers would go for the pin, but Matt Vertigo is not most wrestlers.

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He continued to trash talk his kneeling challenger, who had just enough moxie left to slap the taste out of Vertigo’s mouth. Of course, that prompted the final shot – a boot to the temple that must have lowered “The Diligent One’s” IQ.

Now Vertigo has two weeks until his next title defense at the Susquehanna Wrestling Organization. He’ll face Suicide Myers and if he gets past him, he’ll meet Eric Martin (who was supposed to be in the inaugural championship match) at ECWA on June 5. And if Matt Vertigo can somehow hold onto the Territory Championship by June 12, he’ll defend against Eric Corvis, the perpetual thorn in his side, at UWA Elite’s 20th Anniversary Show.

“He always weasels his way into an opportunity when I’m champion,” Vertigo said. “He doesn’t deserve a shot at my title.”

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