Our Story: The Wrestling Estate

From Wrestledelphia’s ashes rises The Wrestling Estate.

I wasn’t ready to give up on Wrestledelphia.

After three years of hard work, financial sacrifice and scratching for an ounce of attention, we had developed a loyal following and made solid connections in the industry. It felt like a colossal waste to just stop in June after building such momentum. But the founder no longer cared about pro wrestling, and the team was subsequently burnt out. I was Eric Bischoff trying to buy WCW, but Jamie Kellner had already pulled the plug.

For the next few months, I sought opportunities to keep pursuing my passion. These opportunities include selling out to What Culture, compiling empty lists for a full PayPal account, and going incognito as a “super fan” for a growing women’s promotion. It should have been the culmination of my lifelong dream, finally getting paid to write about wrestling, but the victory rang hollow. My creativity was stifled, the camaraderie was missing and most importantly, I wasn’t making a difference.

As the media requests piled up in my inbox, I realized there was still a demand for innovative, engaging, dedicated pro wrestling journalism.

So I’ve taken everybody’s advice and launched The Wrestling Estate. We’re maintaining the same values as Wrestledelphia, but expanding our focus from local to national and even international. With half the team living on the West Coast, we’re able to cover more companies, more events and more talent. We’ll share opinions, provide analysis, conduct interviews and publish only original reporting.

We’re not another Dave Meltzer knockoff.

We’ll praise when deserved and criticize without fear of offending or losing credentials. We’ll debate, bust balls and have a blast. We’re not doing it for the money (although we’ll profit eventually), we’re doing it out of love for the demimonde of crimson masked brawlers, breathtaking acrobats and heart-racing goddesses. We can’t shake our wrasslin’ addiction – and we know you can’t either.

Troy Taroff was the first person I recruited for The Wrestling Estate. My freshman roommate is extremely talented, persistent and a diehard fan. I trust his instincts and crack up at his “hot takes.” When he sent me the first podcast (listen here), it confirmed my faith in this project.

His chemistry with Jack Goodwillie is electric, and they deliver an entertaining hour of grappling chatter. Jack was underutilized at Wrestledelphia – he’s a thought-provoking writer whose knowledge of the industry makes him a lethal addition to our team. Plus, his band provided the sick podcast intro free of charge.

Anthony Mahalis became a Hulk Hogan fan only after the sex tape.

I don’t know much about Calvin Gibbon, but he reached out to us and instantly gelled with the team. His writing lives up to the high standard we hold ourselves to, and I’m looking forward to working with him for years to come.
We’re always looking for more members in all aspects: writing, broadcasting, photography, video, sales, web design, you name it. If you want to contribute, please reach out (thewrestlingestate@gmail.com) and help us make this site nirvana for wrestling fans.

I wasn’t ready to give up on Wrestledelphia, and in truth, I haven’t. The name has changed, but the passion burns brighter than ever.

Thank you for reading and I hope you continue to support our effort in bringing you innovative, engaging, dedicated pro wrestling journalism.

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