How to run your own professional wrestling company

Have you ever wanted to start your own professional wrestling company? Have you ever wanted to book your own wrestling shows?

You’re not alone.

In speaking with members of dozens of wrestling forums in the last several months over 78% of wrestling fans have dreams and aspirations of starting their own independent wrestling company. Of that 78% only 5% are of the (possibly unrealistic) belief of competing on a national level. The rest simply want to run their own show on a small scale to break even, lose a tiny bit of money or preferably, make some money.

In researching the process I came across a great resource on Youtube called Indy Wrestling School. No, this is not a paid sponsorship.

The entire channel is dedicated to helping answer all the questions you’ve always had, as well as many you might not have ever thought of, like selling concessions or how much to pay wrestlers.

As a general rule, I’m very stingy when it comes to Youtube subscriptions, particularly as it relates to pro wrestling. I feel all too often, they Pro Wrestling Youtube channels spam you with too many videos. Indy Wrestling School has been a breathe of fresh air. He will post a single video once a week for a few weeks or a few months and then take some time off, then start all over. It’s reliable, concise and easy to watch at your own base…best of all…it’s free!

While not a known name, the creator Ryan has been involved in the sport since 2007 and has produced thousands of shows. One of my favorite things is that he doesn’t shy away from talking about growing up as a backyard wrestler, something most pro’s avoid altogether. If you have ever fantasized about starting your own wrestling company or are just interested in how things work behind the scenes, I would highly recommend subscribing today!

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